
Tuesdays, September 24 - November 19, 2024
(No class November 5)
5:30 - 7:30pm
Riverside Park
Registration required

Event Description
(For adults & teens) Over 8 classes we will learn about mammal evolution, structure, function, diversity, ecology, behavior, and conservation. Course participants will also gain hands-on experience identifying mammals via track and sign and in field methods used for surveying and researching mammals. Mammals native to Wisconsin and North America will be our primary focus, but efforts will be made to cover mammals popular in zoos, as well as interesting mammals from around the world. While humans are classified as mammals they will not be covered as part of this course. This course has no prerequisites but some prior knowledge of biology, ecology, and/or evolutionary biology may be beneficial.

Class time will be split between a lecture portion (~1 hour) and a “lab” portion (~1 hour). Lab will allow course participants to explore specimens, introduce them to field equipment, and practice identifying mammals. Live mammals will not be handled as part of this course.

Course Schedule:

Topics and dates are subject to change


Lecture Topic

Lab Topic

1 - 9/24

What is a Mammal?

Scat, Tracks, & other sign

2  - 10/1


Skulls & Teeth

3 - 10/8


Small Mammal Trapping

4 - 10/15



5 - 10/22



6 - 10/29


Camera Trapping

7 - 11/12

Non-WI Mammals

Camera Trapping Part 2

8 - 11/19


Ethics in Field Research

**There is no class on Tuesday November 5th (11/5) as it is Election Day! Riverside Park serves as a polling place and will be extremely busy during our regular class time and too loud for class. Plus now you have time to go vote!**

For questions about this program please contact GIS & Field Data Manager, Amanda Tokuyama, at

For help with the registration process, please contact Program Systems Manager, Augie Rodenbeck, at or (414) 626-8518.

Registration is required for this event.

Pick your price
Personal financial situations vary widely so we provide multiple pricing options to make our programs accessible. The highest listed price fully covers the cost of the program. Lower prices reflect the generosity of our supporters who help us ensure programs are available to everyone. Please choose the option that best fits you, your family and your guests.

COVID Policy
At the Urban Ecology Center safety is our top priority. Our goal is to provide as safe an environment as possible for our communities. Click here to learn more about our procedures during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Confirmation/Cancellation Policy:
If you sign up for a program and your plans change, we kindly request that you let us know at least 10 business days in advance so we have the opportunity to offer a program to others. We will provide refunds as follows: 10 business days or more: full refund, 5-9 business days: 50% refund, 0-4 business days: no refund.

